Chemex vs Hario v60


Many people stick to traditional drip coffee makers like Chemex. But what if you just dropped your Chemex, and now you are confused whether or not should you buy the classic Chemex or should you go for something new like Hario v60? Well, the argument is pretty tough, but don’t worry because we have a winner, just stick till the end to find out.


What is a Chemex?

If you are reading this comparison, I bet you already have a good idea of what a Chemex pour over coffee maker is. This is a glass carafe that can be used with paper filters or a metal mesh cone to hold the ground coffee. It has been around a long time and comes in a few styles. The main carafe head is usually cone shaped with circular bottom that resembled an hourglass. The Chemex is the always reliable Toyota Corolla of the at-home coffee world. Traditional drip coffee makers are way cheaper than regular shop coffee. Chemex helps to bring out the flavors of coffee while keeping a sweet touch to it. Just a good clean cup of coffee.

Now enough with Chemex, let us talk about Hario v60 and where it stands against Chemex.


What is a Hario v60?

It has a perfect cone with a 60-degree angle which gives it the name v60. With this 60-degree angle, there are spiral ribs inside the cone that allows hot water to flow in the right place and expand optimally.

The company is from Japan that started originally by crafting ceramics and glass equipment for science laboratories. Later, they also started manufacturing appliances for the home and kitchen.

The Hario v60 model comes in various materials and colors. For example, there is a classic model that is made from glass. But you can buy models like copper, ceramic, and plastic for a cheaper price.


Chemex Vs v60 Grind Size

While many coffee lovers fight over Chemex and v60, they always end up with the major difference between their grind sizes. Both require different sizes of coffee beans.

Medium-coarse grind is preferred with Chemex by many coffee lovers. Chemex will also work fine with finely grind or coarser coffee beans. But on the other hand, v60 relies a lot on the grind type. Finely ground beans with a slow pour will result in the strongest flavored coffee, whereas a fast-poured coffee with medium grind beans will result in bland and weak flavor.


So, we know that v60 is demanding when it comes to grinding size. Be careful, otherwise, you will have to drink a cup of bland black-colored water. Both are easy to use and require patience, but if you don’t want to put all your attention to grind size, then Chemex is a better fitting for you.


Are Chemex and v60 Filters the Same?

No, both filters of Chemex and Hario v60 are different from one another. This difference can affect the end results of your brew.

Both of these filters use paper with different thicknesses. Filter paper that Chemex use is a little thicker than v60. Extra thickness helps to stop any sediment of coffee from passing into the cup, this helps Chemex to deliver a much crystal clear coffee compared to v60. But it doesn’t mean v60 doesn’t result in clear coffee, it does but not as much as Chemex.

Although, Hario v60 filter papers are easy to find everywhere.


Difference Between There Funnel Size

Because v60 has grooves and ridges on its cone from the inside which is not available on Chemex. The grooves and ridges help to create a gap between the cone itself and the wet filter paper. This allows the coffee to brew neatly without touching the cone walls.


Chemex doesn’t have this kind of facilities and because of that there brewed coffee touches the funnel. It flows from the funnel bottom.


Though both of these coffee makers have a very large exit hole, especially if compared to other pour-over of coffee makers. And because of this pouring method and grind size matters while brewing.



Is Chemex Better Than v60?

In simple words, yes. Chemex is better than v60. It works with different grind sizes, it has a thicker filter paper for clean coffee, and last but not least, it is a classic drip coffee maker.

Both are quite similar as both works as pour-over coffee makers. Both require patience and work. And both of them need their own special filters.

But at the end of the day, it depends on one’s taste preference. If you want you can try both of them and decide which suits you more.


If you go with the majority, you will have to choose Chemex as it results better than v60. Here are some pointers for people who should choose Chemex-

  • Chemex is better if you brew more than 2 cups in one go
  • If you love its design and want to keep it as an art piece on your kitchen counter (coffee lovers will love it).
  • If you want that crystal clear coffee that only comes from Chemex’s thick filter.
  • If you don’t want to worry about your grind size and pour methods.
  • If you don’t like plastic on your products (good for the environment as well).


And opposite goes for v60. If you brew one cup at a time or look and materials don’t matter to you, then v60 is a good fit for you. Hario v60 is also easy to clean because of its filter, and it doesn’t break easily if you purchase a plastic model (good for travel purposes).



According to us, the winner is Chemex. Why? Well, simply it is easy to use and provides many facilities that are better as compared to v60. Hario v60 is modern and unique, but there is something that stands out for the Chemex.

The majority of coffee brewers will choose Chemex over v60, and it is because of the results. But it is completely fine if v60 fits better for you. Just consider some factors like grind size, pour method, quantity, filters, etc and you can understand which is more convenient for you.

Just remember, whichever you use, you are saving quite a lot of money just by using these pour-over coffee makers. So, now you know who wins between the battle of Chemex vs v60

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